Let's start at the beginning...
Or...if you just want an update, you can see my latest entry here:
WLS Journey
I had the surgery in 1991, and in the past year, have had weight gain. I had a body fat count done at the local health
fair & it came out as 47.6%!! It also suggested I lose 40-60lbs. I'm looking into the newer options (LAP) that are available
now. I'd like to do this one locally, instead of going down to Whittier, even though the care that I recieved was excellent
there, it was a major trip down, especially post op.
When I was working for the Census in Feb. of 2000 I had what Ronette at Dr. Lusby's office called a "Gastric Incident",
I had pain like I was having a heart attack, and after that, I felt like I could eat more without the 'too full' feeling,
and things that I had to be really careful with (which would most likely come back up), I was able to eat. I also noticed
I started gaining weight. It wasn't long before I went up a size in jeans.
July 15, 2000...I talked to my doctor (finally) about the possibility of having a revision done, she said that
I would have to have a BMI of OVER 40 to even be considered, I was 39.9 on HER chart, so she started the paperwork. I got
a referral in the mail about a week later to see a 'weight specialist' in Fresno (I was told by my dr. that I would need to
go to a seminar FIRST, before the ins. would even THINK of sending me to ANY doctor)...I had contacted Dr. Felix's office
and had planned on attending his seminar on the 13th, but didn't go when my drs. office told me that the insurance wanted
me to see the 'specialist' FIRST!! *whew*...wish they would make up their minds! At least they are 'letting' me do something!
I have been doing some research on my own, and I'm not too sure about the RNY surgery (I had a VBG)...even tho' I have had
weight gain, I am afraid of the RNY...I've heard things like: you can go into a diabetic coma if you eat chocolate...you can
have major vitamin def., and lots of other stuff...I don't want to regain the weight, but I don't want to risk all this 'scary
stuff'! I've also read that I might not be able to do the LAP surgery because it would be a revision...still looking for more
info on that. My appt. with the 'specialist' (who ISN'T a surgeon?!?) is July 21st...I'll post more later! ******************************************************************************
JULY 21, 2000 Well, I had my appt. with the 'weight doctor'. I came away angry and disheartened...he isn't a WLS dr.,
I had to see him because my insurance said I had to. He told me that first off, he wanted to me to go see a lady at a private
gym (at my expense) to have a 'work out schedual' made up to start exercising "but I have pain daily from a car accident years
ago..." 'oh, with exercise chronic pain can be completely controlled!'...next, since their dietitian hasn't been hired yet,
I will need to start Weight Watchers (at my expense), then, I will start on Meridia..."but I tried that and gained weight"...well,
we won't start you on that till after your blood work comes back, and you will need to have a tread mill done to see if there
is any reason why you can't exercise...See you in 3 weeks!! I sat there, biting my tongue during the whole 15 mins he was
in the room...I wanted to shout out "WOW, you are a genius!! I NEVER in a million years would have thought of trying DIET,
EXERCISE or DIET PILLS!!! You will probably be rich!! You HAVE to win the Nobel prize with such enlightened thinking!!!!!!" How
dare he insult me that way...like I haven't tried everything under the sun in the 30+ years I've been fighting this fight...why
did he think I'd had my first surgery? For fun? Coz I wanted to see what my tummy would look like with a scar? The only positive
thing about the whole visit, was he told me he would refer me to Dr. Boone (a WLS surgeon) to see the 'status of my prior
surgery', BUT he said he didn't think I was a candidate for a revision!!! As soon as I checked my mail I got depressed again,
my insurance info came, and Dr. Boone isn't one of the drs. in my plan! I have an appt. with my PCP on the 25th tho, and I'm
gonna ask her what the heck I'm supposed to do. Maybe she can write a letter to the insurance telling them that everything
he suggested had been tried and had FAILED a dozen times over, and WLS is the only way to go...I KNOW it is...that's why I
did it before...some people get cancer, they have a surgery to get rid of it, it comes back...does the insurance tell them
that THIS time, they can't approve the surgery? NO!! I don't want to wait till ALL the weight comes back...I want to nip it
in the bud! When I did Medifast for 6 months, and lost 88 lbs. I wish I could have had the surgery then, but NOOOOOOOOOOO,
I had to regain 100lbs. before insurance would okay the first surgery! sheesh...sorry to rant, but I needed to vent! I'll
write more later, when I know more!
July 24, 2000...I talked to my dr. today & asked why I needed to see the 'weight doctor', and she was totally confused...she
told me I should call the ins. to see what they said. I did, and they said (after 3 transfers to 'someone who could help me),
that I HAD to see this doctor 'first'...even tho he is listed as a 'general phys.', I get the feeling that they wanted someone
who will shoot me down! He came off to me as someone who wouldn't be 'on my side'! The only good thing I did find out was
that Dr. Boone IS on my ins. plan...so maybe everthing will turn out ok. keep your fingers crossed!
Jan. 19, 2001: Well...so much has happened in these months...and I am still where I was! I didn't get to go to the appt.
with Dr. Higa in Fresno. My insurance didn't give me a referral & they wanted $200. for an office visit. This would have
been a visit just to see the status of my prior surgery! I can't afford that kind of gamble...besides, I hadn't 'followed'
the other doctors 'orders'...no gym, no Weight Watchers...THEN...in Oct. I had an accident at work!! I had a huge ladder fall
on me...so I've been seeing doctors, therapists, taking tests, having MRIs, ENGs & all sorts of stuff done...plus, I've
gained about 16 lbs! I am going to have to start all over again...but at least it will be easier about going to Fresno...my
doctor is there, and workman's comp. is paying me to go...so I may as well try to kill two birds with one stone! *****************************************************************************
June 26, 2001 What a waste of a year in the WSL department of my life! I am still at 'square one'...I went back to
Dr. Matson, the 'diet doctor', he had given me some meds. back in March...mostly made me sick & worsened the headaches
I still get from the accident. He told me in April that he would get a referral to Dr. Higa (since he is the only WLS dr.
who does revisions to RNY). I never got the referral, and since I had been so busy with my kids' England mission trip it was
until the other day I decided to call and ask why. They told me they had tried to contact me to get the info on WHEN I had
my first surgery (that should have been in my records!), I told them, and they said, 'OK, that was the only thing holding
things up, now you have to go on a waiting list, since Dr. Higa is a very busy man!'...BUT the thing is, after all this time
I've been doing some research, and I've decided I DON'T want the RNY...I feel it would be counter-productive to me...I still
throw up on a regular basis, and I've stretched my pouch out...so I know I won't do well with this type surgery. I've been
looking into the DS over at Delano. I've contacted them by email, and they have even called me back and sent me info. So,
when I went to see Dr. Matson a few days ago, I was 'armed', I gave him Dr. Hess' report, the info Dr. Ks office had sent,
and a letter from me telling why I wanted the DS. He has now set up his own office JUST for handing out diet pills! He was
less than helpful and downright 'snippy'...he said, 'I don't know why your PCP didn't just send you to Higa or who ever to
begin with', I told them Ins. said they had to send me to YOU, and YOU have to refer me to a surgeon! Then he said, rather
exasperated, 'Of course, they want someone to pass the buck to!', And took down doctor K's info, and SAID he would get me
a referral! Now the problem is, when Dr. Ks office called into my insurance to get a verification, they told her I had to
'stay within the plan'...BUT there are NO doctors in my plan who do the Gastric Reduction with Duodenal Switch. I am completely
'medically necessary', so I should qualify for surgery...but I don't want the type they would have me get! ARGHHHHHHH!! I
just put in a call to the insurance, and they said that if there isn't a doctor in my plan who does the type of surgery I
'need', then I can be referred out! Unfortunately, Aetna has it in their plan that they don't do 'Duodenal Switch'...it doesn't
say if they do it in conjuction with Gastric Reduction...man, what a rollercoaster!! I called Dr. Matson to see if they have
gotten my referral, and they have to call me back....the insurance gal said I need to go back to my PCP, and 'start over'...she
also verified my addy and is going to send me the appeal papers to fill out, 'just in case'. One good thing, I found while
reading my insurance papers, I meet the qualifications for revision to the letter! My surgery DID work, for quite a while...I've
only started regaining in the past 18-20 mos.! Now, I'm just waiting to see what Dr. Matson says about the referral! Cross
your fingers!....okay....update already!! I just got off the phone with Dr. Matson's office, the gal there, Wanda, just
said, in a very appologetic voice, 'they aren't going to refer outside the plan...', I told her that according to the plan,
I fit the criteria for 'medically necessary', and I fit the criteria for a revision...PLUS the plan says that if there isn't
a surgeon in my plan that does the type of surgery I NEED, then I can be referred out! I told her I need a doctor to tell
them that I am medically necessary, and I NEED this type of surgery over the RNY! She said she will type up a letter and have
Dr. Matson sign it!! I sure hope he does!! I want my only worry to be HOW I'll get the $2,000. program fee!!
June 28, 2001 I called the Drs. office to see if Misty had written up my referral yet, she told me that Wanda was
out for the next week. But, she said, she didn't see how my ins. would let me 'go out of plan' to see Dr. K. After explaining
it all to her AGAIN, she said, 'ohhhhhhh, you don't want to have the RNY, you want something else?' I was sursprised that
I wasn't all mad and exasperated with her! It was actually a good thing she didn't understand, because then she said, 'okay,
if there isn't a doctor in your plan that does this type of WLS, then you can be referred out!'...Yayyyyyy! I will only do
a little happy dance tho', cuz she is only writing up the referral, it can still be shot down by the Doctor or the insurance!
But, I also told her about all the written info I left the doctor, plus my letter, and I told her why I felt the RNY wouldn't
work for me and the GRDS would! She was very glad to understand, and said she would write it up with my info, a letter from
the doctor, and my letter and send it all off together! She did mention that even if they okayed the referral, it would only
be for a consult! I would have to start all over again to get surgery okayed! whew! After talking to her on the phone, I checked
my mail to find the 'appeal' info from the Aetna gal I talked to yesterday! Boy, she did get it right in the mail! So, if
I do get shot down for the referral, I can appeal it right away! *****************************************************************************
Aug. 9, 2001 Well, it looks like there is NO WAY I can get the DS with Dr. K in Delano...my insurance won't let me
go 'out of plan'. So now, I'm back to square one...BUT the good news is, I have a referral to Dr. Higa!! Yayyyyyy! Since I
have Sante I DO NOT have to pay the $200.00 consultation fee!! (only my copay of $10.00!!!). But the bad news is, I have to
go to the seminar first!! and the next available opening isn't till DECEMBER!! Can you believe it? The gal I talked to said
it's because he does LAP, and apparantly it is in high demand! I told her that last year someone from his office told me I
wouldn't be eligible for Lap, since I would be having a revision. She said, 'don't be so sure', she said that she couldn't
make any promises, but it wasn't impossible to do a Lap revision! Even tho' the RNY is not my first choice, I realize that
I can not wait...I am gaining weight steadily...and my symptoms (heel spurs, shortness of breath, fatigue, hormonal problems,
asthma, GERD, hip, knee and foot pain, etc.) are getting worse! Now it is just a waiting game, till Dec., or, if I am lucky,
sooner if something 'opens up'...I'll keep posting here, as I get more info!! *****************************************************************************
14, 2001 Well, when it rains, it pours!! Dr. Matson's office called, and they have a referral to Dr. Higa for me also!
I found out that I might be able to get in to see him sooner too...but it will be a bit of a gamble. The 3rd Weds. of each
month, they have the seminars, I'm down for Dec. 19th (!), but if I want to drive all the way to Fresno, sit outside the building
for hours, and hope that someone doesn't show up...I MIGHT be able to get in!! The bad thing is, I'm not the first to think
of this...the gal I talked to said their will be a VERY long line, and if only four don't show, even if their are 50 people
in line, they will only let 4 extras in! It wouldn't be so bad, except the meeting is at night, when Tom can't come with me...plus
it is on Weds., the same night as the kids' youth group Refuge. And, since tomorrow is the 3rd Weds., I would miss the big
outdoor end-of-summer party!! I have no problem missing it, IF I knew I would get in!! I'm going to have to find someone to
take the kids if I do head up to Fresno...and I really hate missing something so important to them. I'll just have to pray
on it, and hope my decision is what God wants...that is the only way this surgery is gonna happen anyway! *****************************************************************************
Aug. 25, 2001 I got the greatest call from a local peer, Evelyn, the other day! She is the sweetest! She gave me some
great info about the seminar at Dr. Higa's. BUT! The weirdest thing happened today when I checked my mail! First, some back
story...as I wrote in my last entry of Aug. 14th, I wasn't sure I wanted to risk missing my kids end of summer party at Church,
and I did pray on it, and decided to NOT go to Fresno after all...I gave it to God, and knew that He would 'fix things' to
the best advantage. Well, he sure didn't take long to let me know that He WAS in control!! I mentioned that I also had TWO
referrals, one from my PC, and then one from Dr. Matson...well, today, in my mailbox, I got ANOTHER packet from Dr. Higa's
office!! My daughter opened it in the car for me, and I noticed an orange flyer (according to Evelyn, they send out different
color pages for each month), the Dec. one was green...My heart gave a hopeful jump, and for a split second a thought flashed
through my mind, 'September!'...don't ask me why...logically I should have thought 'Jan.' or 'Feb'!! I asked my daughter to
read what the papers said, but the cover letter was a Fax page and she couldn't make heads nor tails of it...so I had to wait
till we stopped in front of her friends house....Well, orange equals SEPTEMBER!! Not only do I have an apt. for the September
24th seminar, but they put me down for two people (I can invite my friend), and it is at 2pm instead of in the evening (much
better for me), AND I also have an appointment for my first consultation with Dr. Higa on Oct. 22nd!!! My insurance is covering
the cost ($200), hence the fax info!!! I am so amazed, and somehow NOT amazed!! I knew that if this was meant to be, God would
work it out! I am really excited...can't wait to see what happens next! I'll keep ya posted!! ***************************************************************************** Sept.
10, 2001 Well, nothing new to add, except I am actually getting excited counting the days till my seminar date!! I know
that many of you are counting down to a surgery date, and some have been battling with insurance, but for me, the fact that
I was approved for a seminar and consult is a victory!! Hopefully my luck will hold, and surgery will be approved. I still
have to contend with the fact that my husband's work will no longer carry Aetna, as of December 2001...so, unless I keep getting
these great surprises, I may have to start all over again with whatever insurance we get for next year! I'm not worrying too
much tho', I know that God will work everything out for the best!! So, 14 days till the first hurdle!! *****************************************************************************
Sept. 12, 2001 I want to take this opportunity to express my deepest sympathy and condolences to all those who have
lost loved ones in the tragedy of yesterday's terrorist attack. May God Bless and comfort each and everyone of you. ******************************************************************************
Sept. 28, 2001 I went to my seminar, so now have to wait for my appointment on Oct. 22nd. Dr. Ho was the speaker,
and she was very nice and informative. I was very surprised by the number of people there, I sometimes feel like I am alone
in this battle....I guess I'm not, and I seem to be in good company, chit-chatted with some nice gals...I did get a little
bit of good news, when my husband's insurance changes over in Dec., it will still be with Sante, so it should still be the
same coverage, only with a different carrier! Yay!! ****************************************************************************** Oct.
12, 2001 (about 2:40 am) Can't sleep, major heart burn!! Thought I'd check out the news here... Just 10 days till my
appointment...then it all really starts! Not much to write, 'cept I had a big confirmation on my weight gain last weekend...I've
done Renaissance Faires for the past 22 years, and since I make costumes, I know how easy to see the extra pounds can be...there
isn't much room to grow in a boned bodice! Well, I started to get ready on Sat. morning (after weeks of making costumes for
my kids and their friends), only to find that my skirt would NOT fasten...and my corset couldn't close, and I needed to add
a placket to the front of my bodice, since a four inch gap was showing!! I knew I had gained weight since last year, but didn't
realize just how obvious it was till now! All I can say is HURRY Oct. 22nd!!!!!! I'm hoping to spend the New Year recuperating!!
And starting over anew! Keep yer fingers crossed...Aetna is supposed to be notorious for denials! ******************************************************************************
Oct. 19, 2001 (about 2 am) Only a couple more days till my consult with Dr. Higa! I'm extremely excited...after
all this time it feels like I'm finally getting started. I keep meeting people who have had, or want the surgery!! It's really
amazing how many people are getting it done, or are curious about it. I can't wait to be a walking advertisement! I hope everthing
goes well, and Dr. Higa says I'd be a good candidate, and that the insurance gives me the ok to have it done. One thing I've
not asked those who have already gone through this is, will I know when I leave the visit if the Dr. is going to says 'Yes'?
I know that insurance can take months to give an answer, but will Dr. Higa tell me 'yes or no' right then and there? I'm so
used to 'hurry up and wait'...it wouldn't surprise me if I have to wait to get his answer! Please keep me in your thoughts
and prayers, Monday, Oct. 22nd at 9:30 am!! I'm sure praying for a green light!! Then we can start praying for Insurance approval!!
TTFN!! ****************************************************************************
Nov. 8, 2001 I have been computerless!! ACK!! I went to my appt. with Dr. Higa, he was a very nice man, quiet, and
sincere. He said he thought he could help me, and that he would try LAP...I have to go to see a Dr. to find out just what
my innards are doing...I'm not too thrilled about that! I go on the 13th of this month...I'll try to post again (my new computer
will be here in about 4 weeks), if my kid's friend leaves this one here for a while! :) ****************************************************************************** Nov.
20, 2001 Well, I go tomorrow to have the 'scope' dealie put down my throat to see what the condition of my prior gastric
stapling is. I have to be in Clovis at 6:30 AM! It's been foggy every morning, so we'll have to leave here at about 5:30...I
have to have an IV, and they will knock me out for it...but at least it will be one hoop I've jumped through! Wish me luck! *****************************************************************************( Nov.
21, 2001 Well, I survived the foggy trip to Clovis! I have to say, the endo-thingy wasn't bad at all...they give ya some
total amnesia drug, and it isn't hard to wake up out of it, like other knock out meds. My hand hurts, the nurse tried to put
the IV in the back of my wrist, and couldn't get the vein...kept flicking it, got it bleeding, and had to start over on the
back of my hand...so I have a very bruised right hand. My right side of my throat, right under my jaw line hurts too...like
a bruise...luckily my throat doesn't feel as bad as I feared it would...so all in all, not too bad of an experience. Since
I was groggy when I came to, I vaguely remember hearing the nurse tell me that the doc said my staple line was ok, but my
pouch had stretched quite a bit, but the opening was the right size. I guess I will have to wait to talk to the doc when I'm
awake! I'll post more as I know more. Oh, it's been a month since I saw Dr. Higa, at that time, his Ins. gal told me that
it usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to hear from the insurance...so, hopefully I will get approval in the next couple of weeks!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! God Bless! **************************************************************** Dec. 10,
2001 I saw Dr. Higa again today, as a follow up to my 'scope dealie...I had decided to call the other day to see if I had
any news...and they said I needed to be seen. I was really surprised that they got me in so soon. Luckily there was NO FOG
for the drive to Fresno!! (yay!!) I got there at exactly 10:30...but found out that I needed another referral, since the first
one was for only one visit! I had to call my dr. to get one faxed over...there seemed to be a problem with it getting through...but
Tory was great (Dr. Lusby's office), and they saw me fairly quickly, even with the delay. Dr. Higa is such a nice guy...I
really get a good 'vibe' from him. He said the findings of my proceedure were 'interesting'...he said I had a very large pouch,
but everything seemed okay...he said he would be able to 'carve out a new smaller pouch', remove the old ring and do the RNY...and
that would 'fix things up for' me! He noticed that I had gained a couple of pounds, I told him I had been off my throid meds
for almost a month, and had just started taking them again...he told me I should start preparing for surgery...making good
food choices, taking vitamins and doing some exercise. Since I am still having problems with my injury, exercise is out of
the question...So I need to figure how I can get some walking in! I can do the vitamin bit...and I've already bought some
high protein/low carb powder...Now we just have to tackle the insurance!! I still have to go to the psych dr. on Dec. 20th...then
it's just a waiting game!! I've purposely been avoiding counting days on the calendar...I just wanna kinda go with the flow...things
will come together in their own time!
***M***E***R***R***Y*****C***H***R***I***S***T***M***A***S*** Dec. 20, 2001 Well, some timing problems....first,
I was supposed to have my appt. with the psychologist for the evalutation today. They want you to pay $225.00 up front...I
had planned on having the money, but some stuff came up, and I was going to have to wait for our next payday or at least till
after our refinance money came in. So, when I called the other day to reschedule, they set my appt. for Jan. 21st! I was really
hoping for sooner, but they said they just didn't have any openings...this visit is all that is standing between me and possible
approval! But what can ya do? The gal was very nice, and asked if I could write a check and they would hold it till my payday
(the 27th)...but I don't have a checking account. It wasn't until later when I told my husband about it that I remembered
that our credit card company sent us some of those 'holiday checks'...so I called back and left a message...and she called
this morning!! So, I had an appt. at 1:00!! BUT!! (oh yeah) I hadn't bothered to fill out the paper work that they had sent...FIVE
TESTS!!! No kidding!! They look like those kinds you get in school, with all the little circles and #2 pencils! And the questions...tricky
double negatives..."I hardly ever loose any argument or disagreement I am in"...now, how do ya answer a question like that?
I'm either gonna look like a trouble maker who is always in arguements, or like a simpering little mouse who lets people push
them around! Anyway...I hadn't finished all the pages, when I realized I needed to leave the house to make it on time...I
followed the map they had sent...BIG MISTAKE!! the route they sent added 30 minutes to my trip...making me late!! Soooooo,
they rescheduled me for tomorrow at 10am!! sheesh! So, I still need to finish the questions...I'll post more tomorrow...hope
I don't get marked down for not being punctual! :)
****************************************************** Dec. 21, 2001 Just got back from the Dr., talked to a gal
named Heidi, she was pleasant...nice couch...asked me about my childhood...'course I cried talking about my mom...wonder if
that is good or bad when it comes to evaluating my mental state? I mean, if you cry, are you 'normal' (does grief have a statute
of limitations?), or if you don't are you callous and thereby 'not normal'? Who knows? When she asked if I had any questions,
I said no, I just figured that this was one more stepping stone to the surgery...I did tell her that I didn't feel any desperation
this time, like I did the first time...then, I felt my life literally depended on it...now, it would be a step toward a more
comfortable, healthy life. She seemed cool with that. She said she would evaluate my questionaires (I told her I loved some
of those questions! True or False: I've been on the cover of many major magazines in the past few months...), she laughed...she
said I should be getting a letter in the mail in about 2 weeks...she would send her recomendation to Dr. Higa. So, unless
I'm so crazy that I don't even realize it, I should be on my way! Dr. Higa's office told me it takes from 4 to 6 weeks to
hear back from the insurance. So, if we assume she will take 2 weeks to let him know, and if we assume she says I'm 'ok',
then, if they send it all off to the insurance, it's possible I could hear something in TWO MONTHS!!! Ack!! oh well...I'm
not going anywhere! :) Hopefully they will approve without any trouble...then it's just a matter of getting a date. *sigh*
Well, gotta get, have to go sign loan docs to get our refinance...gonna have Christmas a day or two late...or more accurately,
gonna have a shopping spree the day after Christmas!! Yay!!!!!!!!! NO MORE CREDIT CARD DEBT!! That, in itself is a weight
off my shoulders!! :) **********************************************
Jan. 4, 2002 Happy New Year!! Whew, we've been busy! Did the 'stay up all nite' thing with the kids at Party for Life...NEVER
again!! We'll have our own party here next year. Started back to school. Have till Feb. 4th. Haven't heard from the Dr. or
the Ins. so I have no idea where things are...still playing the waiting game. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and
a very Happy New Year! God Bless! ***************************************************
Jan. 17, 2002 Still haven't heard anything from the dr. or the ins.! I found out we will still be with Aetna till
at least Feb. 18th...I think I will call the dr. tomorrow.
Jan. 18, 2002 Well, I finally heard something! The dr. who did the pysch. eval. shot me down! She says I need six
months of formal counselling so I can better understand my emotional relationship with food! Now, don't get me wrong...I DID
have a problem with food 12 years ago...but now? I'm seeking a revision because my first surgery wasn't done correctly!! My
pouch has stretched over the past ten years and I've gained some of the weight back! I DO NOT complusively over eat! ANYONE
who knows me will tell you that I hardly eat anything! People are always amazed at how little I do eat...Now, here is the
part that really gets me mad...after I have this six months of counselling, I have to go back to HER for another evaluation...for
another $240.!!!! I think what bothers me the most is the fact that we didn't even talk about my lifestyle and eating habits
NOW, she asked me about how I was BEFORE...and let me tell you, I WAS a mess back then! I was desperate! Now, the extra weight
is merely an inconvenience! I think what bothers me most though, is the fact that the questions on the 4 or 5 pages of tests
all had a very 'anti-Christian' tone to them...I guess because I rely on God for everthing I must be a very needy person!!
Oh well...I've put this whole experience in HIS hands...so He will make it work out the way it is supposed to! This Dr. can
only do to me what my Father in Heaven ALLOWS her to do!! Blessings will come from this! ****************************************************************
Jan. 25, 2002 I found out that I can seek counsel from my church! WHEW!! That means I won't have to spend a buncha
money and time going back and forth to Fresno!! Now, I just gotta save up the money for the next dr. visit...I sure do hope
that something good comes of this...like maybe I WILL find that I had some deep dark emotional problems that can be addressed!!
Naww.....I am worried that I won't pass tho', since I really believe that I'm 'cool' with food...if I have to eat these words,
I will do so gladly! As long as I can get this thing fixed! I've been having really bad reflux lately! Dr. Higa said the surgery
would take care of it...hope so!! *****************************************************************
July 14, 2002 Yes, it has been awhile!! It's been over six months since I saw the Pysch dr. Since our insurance just
changed, I feel like I am starting over again. Next week, after I go to court for my workman's comp, I'll start the ball rolling
again! I almost don't feel like I want to mess with it any more...but I know my health depends on it. We have a new PA at
our doctor's office...I really like her, and she said I should 'take care of myself' when I ran down the battle I've been
through with this. Maybe she will help. *****************************************************************************
July 17, 2002 Well, I called the Dr. yesterday, to see what I should do next. Since we changed insuranaces, I have
to fax them a copy of my ins. card, and call the Physch. dr. to see if I have to pay, etc. to be seen again. One thing that
did bother me was, when the gal at Dr. Higa's office was reading my file, she read, 'on hold, unless surgery medically necessary,
then the patient must have councelling also'...now, I KNOW it is medically necessary...so, why wasn't I allowed to have the
surgery, THEN go to councelling!? That makes more sense anyway...most people face changes and deal with stress AFTER the surgery!!
Oh well...all in God's time! Oh, I'm finally done with my workman's comp claim...we settled today! I surprised at the amount...God
is good! ******************************************************************************
July 22, 2002 I got a call this morning from the Psych. Dr.s office. They are setting me up with another dr., a different
one than the one I saw last. The gal who set the appt. said, 'she is very nice'. I hope that translates as "she will approve
you"!! Another waiting game, but I can deal with it!! At least by the time I have to pay again, the money from my settlement
will be here! *****************************************************************************
Aug. 3, 2002 Well, it's 19 days till my 2nd Psych. Eval. Please, everyone pray that I will be sane enough to pass
this one!
Aug. 17, 2002 Going to the Eval. in 5 days...keep me in your prayers! ******************************************************************************
Aug. 22, 2002 Well I had my consult today, and the gal was great! She said she was even alittle confused by why the
other gal had put me on hold! She said she would be sending my doctor a letter stating that she recommends I move forward
with the surgery!! Huzzah!! Now, the battle is really just beginning! I gotta go up against the insurance! I'm gonna call
and make my new appt. with Dr. Higa now!! ******************************************************************************
Aug. 29, 2002 Well, I was awakened this morning by a phone call from the dr. who did my psych. eval., she said that
after looking over the notes that the first gal did, she saw that I was supposed to 'enter into a professional relationship
with a therapist' before I would be okayed for surgery!! I told her that when I called to find out exactly what they wanted
me to do, they said I could see anyone I wished...I called back and asked if I could go to someone at my church, or join a
group at my church, and they told me (after about 3-4 phone calls), YES, I could join one of the women's groups at church.
I did, so now, I am waiting to see if they are actually going to ok me for the surgery or make me jump through more hoops!
I really liked the gal I talked to this time, and she told me she was going to recommend I proceed with the surgery...now,
I'm kinda ticked that she didn't read my file BEFORE I went in!! Just from our meeting she said I was ok to go ahead...but
now, after she read what the other gal wrote, she is second guessing? Here I thought I was done 'waiting', and was all prepared
to do the real waiting....for insurance approval!! This thing can't go to the insurance until Dr. Higa sends it, and he won't
send it without the okay from this therapy group!! This is enough to send a person to therapy!! *******************************************************************************
Sept. 3, 2002 Well, I guess 'no news is good news'. I haven't gotten a call back from the Dr. about my evaluation
yet. So, hopefully that means that she is going to 'okay' me like she said she would. I was really hoping to find a letter
in my mail box today telling me that, but with the holiday and all, I guess that was asking a bit much! *WHEW* I am tired!
My oldest daughter (17) has been having a field day moving her little sister into her older brother's vacant room! Since Jeremy
(18) is leaving on the 22nd for 6 months, we decided to move his stuff out into the partially finished apartment in the former
garage! He's been wanting to 'move out there' since we bought this house 5 years ago!! I was hoping, by the time he was ready
for it, we'd have had the funds and time to finish it for him. It would be nice if we could do that while he's gone on this
mission trip! Oh, another reason I'm so tired is, when the 'moving' from room to room, I got my foot squashed by said
middle child! She was going to show me just how old her former twin bed mattress was, by turning the box springs over and
checking the 'made by' label, she misjudged where my left foot was at, and dropped a virtual antique box springs on it!! I
thought at first it was broken, but today I realize it is only very bruised! To top it all off, that is the foot with the
really bad bone spur on it! I've been having alot of problems with it, and have been getting pain up the outside of the ankle
(I'm not walking right, 'favoring' it, so that now it's hurting in a different way!)...THEN, to add insult to injury, I banged
the heck outta my right knee here at the computer desk!! We have one of the old 'grammar school' desks that they had back
in the '60s, weighs at least a ton or two...and won't move an inch for a fat lady's knee!! :) So, now my littlest daughter
(14) is calling me 'gimpy woman'...and (playfully) daring me to chase her! She got me laughing so hard earlier that my sides
ached! (don't know why she freaked when I turned towards her with a butcher knife in my hand!? Hey, all I was doing was fixing
some dinner for her sister...is it my fault I can give a killer 'evil eye'?? heheh!)...she fell all over herself...I didn't
have to move an inch to 'catch her'!! teehee! I knew watching all those scary movies at a child would come in handy some day!
heh! Well, I better check out the message board...and then hit the sack...nite all...more news when I get it! *******************************************************************************
Sept. 7, 2002 I got the letter from Gina Keller, from Roubicek and Shaw...and she DID give me the green light!! HUZZAH!!
She sent the word on to Dr. Higa's office, so I am going to call them on Monday! I don't know if I have to see him again,
or if they can just go ahead and submit all my stuff to the insurance. I'll let ya all know when I know something!
Sept. 12, 2002 **ARRRRGH!!!*** No, that isn't my interpretation of a pirate, it is the sound I just made when I
found out I WAS approved for surgery back in Dec.!! But when Heidi at Roubecek and Shaw shot me down on my eval, Dr. Higa
put the stop on things! Now, that I got a 'green light', they tried to resubmit the info, only to find that my insurance has
changed (back in June), and they hadn't gotten my latest info!! So, I just faxed my insurance card to Christine at Valley
Surgical, and she is faxing it to Blue Shield/Sante! We were told that all our coverages would be the same when the county
switched over from Aetna...so I SHOULD be approved! OMIGOSH, I am shaking! What really gets to me is, all along I thought
it was the insurance that was insisting on the psyche eval, but they had approved me on my first visit!!! I had the go ahead
and then the 'hold' was put on my file!! ARGH...see, that is what I'm feeling!! All I can figure is, God had me wait for a
reason...now I just hope that He figures I've waited long enough! I'll post more when I know more! *******************************************************************************
Sept. 19, 2002 Well, I haven't heard anything from the insurance yet...I think I'll call tomorrow. My oldest child,
only son Jeremy is leaving on Sat. for a 5-6 month mission school/outreach. I've sorta been playing 'ostrich', avoiding the
truth that my baby is leaving home...he just did a 9 week stint as temporary staff at the 'base' he will be doing his school
at (Las Vegas)...I missed him like crazy! Now, after 4 months in Vegas, he will go on to Africa!! ACK!! I don't even like
to think about it. I just do the same thing I've done for the last 20 years being married to a cop...don't even think about
all the 'what ifs'...just turn 'em off!! My husband and I knew from the start that we only had our kids 'on loan'...they belonged
to God before they were concieved!! Jeremy 'felt God' when he was only 3 years old! He's been planning on going into the mission
field for about 3 years now. We plan on going to Vegas next month to visit him, and I'm hoping that he can come home for Christmas.
Anyway, that's been keeping me pretty busy these last few days...but I sure wish they would call!! More when I know more!! *******************************************************************************
Sept. 20, 2002 Well, I got a call from Christine at Dr. Higa's office today!! She set me up for a follow up appt.
with him Oct. 18th. Since I haven't seen him since Dec. '01, she said I need to see if I've 'gained or lost any weight'...I
asked her if I'd been approved, and she said they hadn't heard back from the insurance yet. I'm gonna start using some of
the Medifast I bought, and try to take off a couple of pounds before the 18th. I think I weigh the same as I did, but I don't
want to take any chances! I've heard Dr. Higa won't do surgery if you've gained! I think it's kinda silly though, since I
came to see him for a revision 'cuz I was gaining weight! And I know I've gained more after I got hurt at work from being
so inactive!! Oh well! We'll see how things go in Oct.!! My son is worried that I will have the surgery while he is gone to
Africa, but I told him that with as long as it takes just to get an appt. for a weight check, and the way the insurance takes
it's own sweet time...he will probably JUST be getting home when I go in!! (He gets back in Feb.), Plus, my daughter might
be having a surgery sometime soon too...and I want to be able to take care of her! Well, I'm glad I heard something...it's
so much easier when I have something to put on the calendar! :) ******************************************************************************
Sept. 27, 2002 ***I GOT APPROVED!!!*** I just checked my answering machine, and found a message from Leanne at
Dr. Higa's...Blue Shield of California has given me approval! She wants me to call to set up a surgery date!! I was supposed
to go back and see Dr. Higa on Oct. 18th just for a follow up 'just in case' I was approved, so I don't know if I will still
be keeping that appt. or not. I have to wait till Monday to call her back! *sheesh* it's gonna be a LONGGGGG weekend!! :) I
know that I haven't gotten to know any of you personally, and have only had emails from a few, but I know that so many of
you pray for EVERYONE who is going through this journey, and for that I want to say THANK YOU!! God Bless you all!!!! I
actually feel kinda sick to my stomach...I almost fainted when I heard the voice on the machine say 'approval'...my daughter
heard it from the other room and I was just standing there with my hands on my mouth, and she smiled so sweetly and said,
'you got approved?'...and gave me a wonderful hug! She is also waiting for approval for a surgery, not WLS, thank God she
didn't inherit MY genes...but for another surgery that can be considered 'cosmetic'...I really hoped that she would get word
first, so I could plan MY stuff around HER...I know that she will have an easier time with recovery and stuff, and I want
to be sure I am up to taking her and caring for her afterward...I also want HER strong enough to help me out! Oh, God is GOOD!!
I know that it will all work out for the best no matter how it goes! ******************************************************************************
Sept. 30, 2002 Dr. Higa's phone is BUSY!! Ack!! I'm gonna keep calling till I get a date to report! :) I still
haven't heard anything from Blue Shield! Dr. Higa's office is on the ball!! They called me!! Too cool! ARGH!! I finally got
through...they don't get into the office till 9!!! I've been sitting here freezing since just after 8!! Oh well, I got to
update my insurance info, and I called my regular doctor to get in to have my allery shot and nip this bronchitis in the bud!
Now I gotta wait 20 minutes...(humming Jeopardy theme)...okay...9:21 and phone tag has begun!! I'll post more when I know
more! ********************************************************************************
Sept. 30, 2002 (3:15pm) I GOT A DATE!!! Feb. 25, 2003!!! I knew Dr. Higa was in popular demand, and I knew it would
be at least December...but wow, FEBRUARY??!! Well, I've been waiting this long, I can wait a little longer! I was worried
that I would clash with my daugther's surgery (not WLS and set for Oct. 25th), or that it would be hard on my son who will
be out of the country from Dec. till Feb...now it will work out great!! We will get to go to Vegas for his graduation, and
have a family vacation, then all come home together. I'll be sorry to miss his birthday (the 28th), since I'll be only 3 days
post-op, but he's gonna be 19, so will understand. *Sigh* seems almost surreal...my whole way of looking at things is 'off'...now
I can click on those ads for protein powders and drinks...cuz I'm gonna need them!! Not, IF, but WHEN I have my surgery!!
God is GOOD!! Oh, FYI, my surgery will be at Clovis Community Hospital, and I need an Angel! :) *****************************************************************************
Oct. 6, 2002 Whew...we just finished the 25th Annual Renaissance of Kings Cultural Arts Faire! This is the first faire
in a while that I didn't hurt myself too badly with all the lifting...thanx to the shots I got in my 'trigger points' at the
pain clinic! They hurt like heck getting, but I can really feel the difference! My PT doc could feel it too...my neck isn't
as tight and painful as it has been. I was VERY uncomfortable with the heat though! ACK...I'd gained weight since last year
too, so my costume was uncomfortable...but I didn't wear the corset today and did better. I kept thinking that NEXT year...I
want to be all optimistic, but I keep holding back, I will be 8 months post op by our next faire, so I KNOW I will be smaller,
but I get scared thinking I'll gain again! I have pix of me in costume at all different weights! But I know that even though
I've gained since my first surgery, technically the surgery was still a 'success' since I've lost within the 'average' of
40%! I just want to do better with this one...especially with the quality of foods I tolerate. I'm tired of being overweight
and under nourished!! Well, I gotta get, almost midnite and I'm tired! Oh, I got the letter in the mail with my surgery
date and first post op visit already scheduled! Seems like a far way off! But I know from reading the message board, it will
seem to sneak up on me!********************************************************************************** Oct. 13, 2002 (12:39
am) My house seems so empty! DH is asleep, and all 3 kids are gone! Jeremy is, of course in Las Vegas, but now even the
girls are out of the house...Gingi went to camp out at the coast with friends, and Jessica went with her Explorer Post to
Medieval Times in LA. She won't be home till about 4 am, and Gingi won't be back till the evening. Jeremy is coming home for
Thanksgiving. The girls and I had a blast at Festival Con Dios last nite! Jessica got to go up on stage with Audio Adrenaline...she
is still flyin' over that! My bone spur in my left heel is still killin' me from bouncing around to bands from 3:30 till 10:30!!
I kept thinkin', "next year....". I've been doing that alot lately! At the Ren Faire, I kept thinking, "next year I'll have
to make a new costume...I'll be 8 months post op", and since next summer will be our 20th Wedding Anniversary, we are planning
on taking a mini-cruise...I keep thinking, "I'll be 5 months post-op", it seems like I am already basing my life on the magical
date of Feb 25, 2003!! My birthday is on Monday...I'll be 45! Sheesh...doesn't seem possible! When did I grow up? Guess I
never will! :) ***********************************************************************************
Oct. 14, 2002 (12:49 am) I tried to add a post earlier, and it didn't go through...so, once again, let me say...Happy
Birthday to ME! Also, I've tried to get some pix on the web to share. Go here: My Photo Albumto see them! ********************************************************************************** Oct. 16, 2002 (1:44am)
I got my webpage going, but notice the above link to my Photo Album doesn't seem to work...I'll try to fix it tomorrow,
or at least try to move all the pix to my site.
UPDATE: Got it working!! :)
Oct. 16, 2002 I worked some more on my website...think I got 'some' of the bugs worked out~hehe~still finding some
typos from wayyyy back...will try to clean them up! I got my 'trigger point' shots yesterday, and already feel better! yay!
Moved some of the Renaissance junk back into the storage area of my tiny laundry room...ack! But since I am cutting back on
stuff, and gave tonz of stuff away as prizes, it's less than I had to deal with pulling it out! Was re-reading some of the
stuff I've gone through with this WLS journey...and boy, can you see God's hand in all of this!! I think everyone should keep
a journal...we do forget all the blessings that come our way! I noticed that last time I posted about Jeremy and his Outreach,
he was still going to Africa, well, that has changed, he is going to Guatamala, and leaving on Christmas Day!! So, we will
see him when he comes home for Thanksgiving, and unless we can get over there to see him before Christmas, we will not get
to see him again until we go get him for his Graduation in Feb.! I'm sure glad I got us the cell phones...it makes it so nice
to hear from him more often! I have to check and see if they will work when he goes to Guatamala! He also needs to find some
small solar panels so he can recharge the thing! They won't have any electicity when they hike back the 6 hour distance to
where they are going! Well, I need to get back to this house...ugh...I want to get it all cleaned up before we leave for Disneyland
on the 20th, cuz after that, it will way too busy around here...we come back the 22nd, then Gingi has her preop tests and
Dr. visit, then surgery on the 25th (again, NOT wls)...she will miss Harvest Jam...but we are gonna
stay home and watch Young Frankenstine, or Ghost, or some other 'spooky' themed movie! Her boyfriend is being a sweetie...he
is the one who suggested they do that! Good kid...I told her he was a 'keeper'!! :)
Oct. 28, 2002 Well, Gingi had her surgery last friday! Thank God everything turned out great! And Thank you to all
who prayed for just such a result! She is recovering MUCH faster than we expected! The surgery took an hour and a half longer
than it was supposed to, and the doctor was sure she'd have so much pain that she'd need to stay the night...but she only
had one pain meds dose and was fine! So, she came home as originally planned. She took her first shower today, and got a good
look at her new body this evening...I think she is going to have to adjust to the new profile she's got! She will still have
another surgery in 4 to 6 months to do the cosmetic part of this reconstruction...but she looks great now! God is so good!!
Jeremy got over his kidney infection. He's catching up on his school work he missed while sick. He'll be home for Thanksgiving,
then will be leaving for Guatamala for Christmas. He gets back for Valentine's day and his graduation, then we'll come home
and I will have my surgery!! Then, Gingi will have her second surgery...and after I get to goal, I'm gonna see her doctor
about doing MY breasts! WHEW!!! We have some busy times ahead of us!!
Nov. 2, 2002 Gingi and I went to the evening service at church tonight...it was so wonderful to be praising God for
all he's done for us! Gingi is only 8 days out from surgery, and is better than anyone expected! She is only taking pain meds
at night, and the implants are settling in very nicely! She is very proud of her 'new boobs'!! We had expected it to take
over a month for them to 'drop' and look 'normal'....she still has the medi-tapes on...and they look very good! She goes back
on the 8th, but the crazy kid just got hired to work at a coffee counter at the mall!! Luckily the boss knows about her surgery
and is only going to train her for a couple of hours a day until the doc releases her to do more! God is GOOD!!! I got
a call from Dr. Higa's office on Friday...they wanted to reschedule me for the 'appointment I missed' on Oct. 18th (?)...they
told me when they set my surgery date for Feb. 25th that I didn't need to keep that appointment! Gotta wait till Monday to
call back. ****************************************************************
Jan. 2, 2003!!! I know, I know...it has been 2 months since I updated. But nothing really has been going on, WLS related
anyway! Gingi is doing great since her surgery, and she will be having her second one in Feb. My surgery date got moved
up to Feb. 14th! So, at least I can say I have 'plans for Valentine's Day'!! I feel bad that everyone will be sitting in the
hospital waiting on me...I told Gingi if Daniel wants to come sit with her, they can, at least head into Fresno to have a
nice dinner date! Anyway...nothing out of the ordinary has been happening. Jessi was having golf and bowling every
week, but with the school's out for the Christmas/Winter break, she's not having class or league. Gingi got a job at
the coffee shop in the Mall...she loves it! Jeremy came home for Thanksgiving, then flew out of Vegas on Christmas Eve to
Guatemala. We found out our cell phones don't work there, but he has been able to call using calling cards. It is actually
cheaper, so all is well. He will be home in Feb., but won't be done till the first week of March. Things are gonna get
busy here really quick! Well, I just wanted to update, to let everyone know I am still around!! I'll get on here more
often the closer it gets to my surgery date!
Jan. 20, 2003
I put up a scrolling countdown thingy on my AMOS profile, but it won't show up here! :(
Anyway...as of today, only 25 days till my surgery!!
Feb. 1, 2003
Only 13 days till my surgery! Please keep me in prayer!
I'm going to add some cute pix that my daughter and I have made. They are from a South Park site...cute without
the crudeness! lol!
Feb. 6, 2003 (12:05am) Well, I have to wait till 9am to call the doctor to see WHEN they are going to move my surgery
to!! Got the message today that Dr. Higa is NOT going to be available on the 14th to do my surgery!! I'll post more when I
know more!
Feb. 9, 2003 I'll be going in tomorrow at 11am for my preop with Dr. Higa. I should know by then WHEN my surgery date
as been set for!! Guess I'll have to reset that little count down dealie too! ****************************************************************
Feb. 10, 2003 My date has been moved back to the original date of the 25th! I did all my preop stuff, so now I'm just
waiting for the days to go by. The people at Clovis are so nice! They have moved into the new wing, and it is really pretty!
It looks like the lobby of a really nice hotel! My weight was up to 239lb. on Dr. Higa's scale. He was very nice, and mentioned
how hard it must have been waiting all this time (over 3 years), and now I had to live in limbo the past 5 days not know WHEN
the darn surgery was going to be! Blanca was really apologizing, she said she tried really hard to get me in for next
Tues., but they were'nt going to have the equipment or the staff to do a revision then. Dr. Higa also mentioned, as he was
drawing a simple diagram of what my surgery is, and how he will 'revise' it. He said with the amount of cutting, stapling
and over-sewing that he'll be doing, my risks will be double what the 'regular' RNY is!! That kinda scared me! He said
I will be at most risk for bloodclots, bleeding and leaking. He doesn't usually do an upper GI but will the second day after
surgery with me. Well, I'll probably be jotting down more thoughts in the next few days...gonna go watch Gone With the Wind
with the girls!
Feb. 18, 2003 Only a week to go!! I took my before picture tonite, and took my measurements...I'll put them up here
tomorrow or the next day. Too much to do this week! It's a payday week, besides the getting ready for surgery stuff, I have
my usual 'bills' and such to worry about. On top of it all, my dryer quit on me, so I'm waiting for the repair guys to bring
the needed part to fix it! My son will be finished with his missionary work in Vegas on the 1st, and my husband will be going
to get him on the 28th (also my son's 19th birthday!). It's gonna be a busy time, cuz we are also having Christmas with him
then too!! I'm sure I'll be posting more later...but for now...that's pretty much it!
March 8, 2003 I know, I know, I was more regular in posting BEFORE the surgery! It's been amazing. This whole journey
feels very surreal. I was not ONE bit nervous or scared the day of surgery. It was all like it was meant to be, and I just
did it, like anything else that needs to be done! I had a huge number of people praying for me, and sending me good wishes.
I know that that was a major part of my feeling of peace and calm. I'm still having little outbursts of emotion now though...I
guess it has to do with the fact that Estrogen is stored in fat cells! I am oozing with it!! :) I've already lost 19.5
lbs!! YEP...almost 20 pounds since Feb. 25th!! Unbelieveable!! I'm still on the liquid diet though. I had a lot of swelling
(they took 4 1/2 hours to do the revision...got alittle trama to my throat and esphogas.). Dr. Higa is a Prince among men!
I go back to see him on Monday...hopefully to be moved up to soft foods. I want to be able to go out with the family and eat.
Although yesterday I did get to have lunch with my daughter at the food court of the mall. She had chinese, and I went to
Subway, told the gal I'd just had 'stomach surgery' and asked fo a cup of 'just broth' from the Chicken Noodle soup...she
gave me a full cup serving (5 meals for me) for $1!! Ain't that nice!!??? Then, I got a craving for icecream...I think I am
craving milk...and the dr. said I could have 'alittle'. So, when we walked down to the coffe kiosk where my daughter works,
I asked her boss for an 'invention'! I remembered how wonderful those ice chips felt and tasted in the hospital when I finally
got to have them (also had to wait cuz of swelling). So, I said, "I can have a little non fat milk, ice and a shot of sugar-free
vanilla syrup"...she complied, blended it to 'slushy stage', and I added a dash of cinnamon!! OMIGOSH!!! It tasted so good!!
I only ate/drank half of the small cup she gave me...but it was heaven!! Next time, I'm going to take a packet of my protein
powder and ask for that to be added. lol! Gotta dig out my blender to make 'em at home! Nicest thing is, she only charged
me for the cost of 2 'extra shots'. Lovely! I'm gonna make these kinda 'connections' all over town!! Well, there is a Renaissance
Faire today in Fresno...and the oldest girl wants to go! I don't know where the costumes are, and not sure if I could wear
a skirt with a waistband...still in sweat pants...so I dunno if we will go or not. Take care all...more later!!
March 20, 2003 I have had the 'sleepies' for about 4 days now! I mean, feels like first trimester pregnancy sleepy!
Other than that, trying new foods, trying to get my water in. One really odd thing that I've noticed, every time I eat, or
even drink my protein drinks, my nose will run, just water, a couple of big drops from mostly my left nostril!! What is that
all about?? I never posted my measurements...so I thought I'd beter!
Feb.18, 2003*****************************March
20, 2003 BUST 47************************************45 WAIST 45************************************42 HIPS 50************************************45.5 UPPER
ARM 16************************************14.5 THIGH 28************************************24.75 NECK 14************************************13.75 WRIST
6.5***********************************6 CALF 16.5**********************************15.5 ANKLE 9.5***********************************8.5 WEIGHT
239.5*********************************216 ****************************************************************************
May 20, 2003 Boy, I hadn't realized just how long it had been since I'd been here! ack! I'm doing well, the weight
loss has slowed to the rate they told it would for a revision. I am down to 201.5 from 239.5! I signed up at Curves, but still
haven't gotten into a regular habit of going. I get so excited because every time I do go, I drop weight the next day! But
my daughter had the second of her two/three planned surgeries, so we haven't gone to work out. She will have the doctor's
okay next week, so I hope to make it a regular weekly thing. I'm going to take my measurements again tomorrow, and will post
them then. Hope everyone is well! Till later!
July 26, 2003 Wow...I've been busy! I thought I'd been here 'just a few days ago'...how funny that it's been months!
I'm down to 184lbs. 55.5lbs lost! I took my measurements the other day, and can't find where I wrote them! ack! I know that
I'd lost more in my bust, waist and hips...gotta find that paper. I also had my hubby take a pic of me with his digital camera,
I'll try to get that up next. I have my next follow up visit with Dr. Higa on Monday...I'll be back to post what he has to
say about my progress.
July 27, 2003
I haven't been keeping this up the way I should! Sorry! I've just been so busy, and time sure flies!
I've lost 55.5 lbs. now, and I go back to Dr. Higa tomorrow for another follow up visit. I'm already thinking about doing
some plastic surgery...breasts first, then maybe arms then thighs. Of course, if they wanna do it all at one time, I'd be
game! Not much is going on around here. Jeremy and Gingi are both working as interns at the church, and Jessi helps with the
toddlers. In Sept., Jeremy will be moving over to the coast to help start the new YWAM base, and Gingi will start her massage
therapy classes at Golden State. Jessi will be taking more Golf and maybe some other classes at West Hills Jr. College. She
really wants to take 'shop' classes!
Well, I just wanted to post the 'after' pic of me, still got a lot to go, but over half way there already! yay!
August 29, 2003 Time flies!! I went to the airport today to meet my nephew who just got back from Afghanistan! He
got to meet his 6 week old baby daughter for the first time, and I called the local news and they came and covered the story!
In terms of me and my surgery, I had a major milestone happen today! I'm now, at least in the eyes of the clothing department
of Walmart a "Lady" instead of a "Woman"!! I've gone from a very tight "Just my Size" Women's 22 to a snug but comfortable
"Ladies 14"!! Woo hoo!! My weight is still dropping ever so slowly (as Dr. Higa said it would), but I still see changes. After
Jeremy moves to the coast to start his mission work (next Monday), Gingi will have her car back, so I can plan on going back
to Curves. Of course, come Sept. 15th, Gingi will start her Massage Therapy school in Visalia and will have to drive MY car
(her Ford Festiva won't last the trip 5 days a week!)...but once she's started classes, Jessica and I can start a regular
schedual of homeschool and workouts! Well, I just wanted to update this, been busy with kids, life and Ren Faire costumes!
I'm having to make myself a whole new outfit, plus both girls have changed so much this past year they need new bodices too!
busy busy! I'm off to look up plastic surgery...I've got alot of skin hanging off my thighs, arms and chest (oh wait, those
WERE my breasts!)...Dr. Higa said he'd like to see me down another 30 pounds or so...that could happen with a few snips of
Dr. Zuniga's scalpel!! hehe! Until next time...
Sept. 8, 2003
Just checking in! I've been so remiss in updating my profile and visiting that I'm making a point of stopping by more
often. I've been looking into plastic surgery!! I'd had a Tummy Tuck a year after my first surgery (something like 11 years
ago!), so I don't have the 'apron' I did back then. Unfortunately, the regained weight settled in my upper tummy area, thighs
and every where else! I need my arms, thighs, and breast done now...and will be calling my PCP about getting a referral. Since
my daughter had reconstructive breast surgery this year, I know Dr. Zuniga will be my choice as surgeon. Hope all is well
with everyone out there...I'll be back soon!
Sept. 18, 2003
I reached one of my first goals today! When I was thinking about my surgery last year, I set myself the goal of being
down to 175 lbs by the time our local Renaissance Faire came around (the first weekend in Oct.). Last year I weighed 239.5
lbs. Well, today when I got on the scale it said 174.5lbs!! woo hoo! I'm a happy camper! My WLS doc says he wants me 'in
the 50s', so I really don't have far to go. I have an appointment for Monday to talk to my PCP about getting my PS stuff started,
and I'm going back to physical therapy to hopefully get some relief from my pinched nerve in my neck! I'll post more after
my appt. on Monday...blessings!
I got a call from the referral gal at my PCP's office. She set me up with an appointment to see Dr. Zuniga in Fresno
for Jan. 7th. At first she called me and said that she couldn't get me an appt. because his office wouldn't accept patients
due to 'dermatitis'...I told her it was to see about getting PS to remove skin since my WLS, and she rewrote it and of course
he said okay! I knew it would take awhile to get in to see him, he's a very good surgeon...he did my daughter's breast reconstruction.
I'm still at 65 lbs. lost...wonder what I'll be at in Jan.?
November 22, 2003 I reached my next goal! I've lost 75lbs now! I'm down to 164.5lbs!! Woo hoo!! I just realized that
I've also gone over 100lbs down from my highest weight (267lbs), which I weighed before my first surgery. So, I HAVE reached
the century mark, just not from this most recent surgery. I'm still researching PS stuff, my appt. for Dr. Zuniga is only
57 days away. Since I'm losing so very slowly now, I'll probably still be in the '60s when I see him. I was really hoping
I'd be to Dr. Higa's goal of 'in the '50s', but I'm still happy! I bought a size 10 jeans today! They are snug, and I probably
won't wear them for a week or two, but they fit!! Yea!! I'm really pleased! November 22, 2003 I reached my next goal!
I've lost 75lbs now! I'm down to 164.5lbs!! Woo hoo!! I just realized that I've also gone over 100lbs down from my highest
weight (267lbs), which I weighed before my first surgery. So, I HAVE reached the century mark, just not from this most recent
surgery. I'm still researching PS stuff, my appt. for Dr. Zuniga is only 57 days away. Since I'm losing so very slowly now,
I'll probably still be in the '60s when I see him. I was really hoping I'd be to Dr. Higa's goal of 'in the '50s', but I'm
still happy! I bought a size 10 jeans today! They are snug, and I probably won't wear them for a week or two, but they fit!!
Yea!! I'm really pleased!
Dec. 13, 2003 Happy Holidays! I'm getting close to my next and my doctors 'final' goal for me...to be "in the 50's"!
I weighed 161.5 lbs. today...it's sure taking me longer to see each pound leave...but it's still happening, so I'm happy!
I miscounted the days till my visit with the Plastic Surgeon, I have 25 days to go. Hopefully I will be 'in the 50s' for sure
by then. We are going to head down to Knott's Berry Farm, Disneyland and a SciFi Convention next week, then it'll be Christmas!
This year has flown by! Jeremy is coming home on the 18th, and will keep an eye on things while we take the girls to LA...it
will give him time to visit with his girlfriend and grandma while we are gone. Then, when we get back we can do all the 'family'
stuff! Hope everyone is having a nice Holiday Season. God Bless!
Dec. 23, 2003 Merry Christmas to everyone!! Just wanted to let it be known that I've gone down into the '50s!! Which
puts me within my Drs. basic 'goal' for me! I've lost 81lbs., which is pretty good considering I was a revision, and a 'lightweight'
by most WLS standards. It is interesting to note that prior to my first WLS (just a 'stapling' without bypass, back in '90),
my top weight was 267lbs., so, I've actually hit the century mark!! Took me over 13 years and a second surgery to do it, but
I did it! So, I guess the moral of this story is: NEVER GIVE UP!!! I hope everyone is happy and healthy this Holiday Season.
Many Blessings to you and yours!
Jan. 5, 2004 Happy New Year! Whoa, another year has gone by! This last year has gone by in a blur...and I have to say
that it was one of the most happy years, on the whole that I've experienced. I've had some bad news, (my dad was diagnosed
with colon cancer), but all in all, things have been great! My dad is still here, as healthy as can be expected (still doing
chemo), and the kids have seen him more these past months than they have their whole life. So, it really has been an odd mix
of emotions. All my kids are doing well. Jeremy is settled in over at the YWAM base in Pismo that he and a group of young
people have founded. Gingi is going to Golden State College, doing Massage Therapy. And Jessi keeps me company and will start
driver's education in a month or so. My husband Tom is busy with his work...20+ years with the Sheriff's Department. Jessi
hangs out with him doing Explorer stuff, and loves it. We go to Disneyland every few months, just to get our 'fix'! *sigh*
Life is good! I go to Dr. Zuniga on Wednesday to talk to him about my plastics! He is the same doc that did Gingi's breast
reconstruction. I'm hoping that he can get insurance to at least cover my breasts (or what used to be my breasts!). I've gone
from a 42C to a 36A!! I'm still wearing a 38B, but it's too loose! How sad is that? All I have left is sad little saggy sacks
of skin!! ACK!! But, at least they match my arms and legs! lol!! I'm hoping that I can get those covered too...but will be
happy with ANYTHING! I'd be a great candidate for one of those Extreme Makeover shows...heck, I'd love to have my eyes lasered!
So, we'll see what Dr. Zuniga thinks on the 7th. Keep yer fingers crossed and I'll post what happens later. ******************************************************************************
Jan. 7, 2004 Well, I went to Dr. Zuniga today. He's a very nice guy, but he's not even going to submit my stuff to insurance.
He says nothing that I want done would be covered. I left in tears. After my appt. with him, I had another appt. with the
doctor that is helping me with the chronic neck pain I've had for years. He did a cervical epidural on my last month, and
it didn't help much. Anyway, he got my results of my MRI back and it shows a very bad herniated disc in my neck. Not only
is it protruding into the nerve, but it's also pushing into the spinal cord. He's going to try another epidural (next week),
ordered test to see if I have nerve damage, and is sending me to a surgeon! Here I WANTED surgery from the first doctor (plastics),
and now it looks like I'll be getting it from the second! ack! I'll post more when I know more.
March 9, 2004 Wow! I thought I'd checked in here for my ONE YEAR anniversary, guess I forgot! Feb 25th was the day,
it's amazing to think a whole year has gone by. I'm still holding steady in the weight department, but I keep hearing people
exclaim at how 'skinny' I'm getting! I haven't measured in a while...guess I should, just to see if there are changes there.
I'm scheduled for my neck surgery on March 31st. I'll be in a soft collar for 2 months, and it will take from 3 to 6 months
for the bone (that they will take from my hip) to fuse completely. I figure once I'm able to exercise, I'll drop my more weight. I
went to Dr. Sian in Fresno today to see about PS. He doesn't do the thigh or lower body lift surgery. So he's not even going
to submit. He doesn't want to mess things up in case I find a Dr. who can and will try for approval. He was very nice. I'm
going to look into seeing Dr. Mariotti up north. Hopefully I can get my insurance to cover even though he is out of our area,
since NO ONE does the surgery within our plan. It's been a very busy year so far, trying to get a lot done before the
surgery...but I guess my PS is on hold till after I'm healed up from the neck surgery...sigh!
June 21, 2004 I keep forgetting to come on here and update! Sorry! I had my cervical disc surgery on March 31st. Had
to wear the soft collar for 2 months, no driving...ack! I'm feeling better, although I still have some burning, numbness on
the left side. I went in today to have the 3 month X-rays done, and will see my surgeon on Friday. Hopefully the bone is fusing
as it should be. I'm hoping I can start lifting things, and working out soon. I'd like to lose a few more pounds, and I know
that is only gonna happen with exercise. I have so much saggy skin, that adding some muscle is the only thing that is gonna
make it look better. Our insurance changes on July 1st, so hopefully I can start the rounds for PS again!
My son is
leaving for North Korea in a few days. He and a group will be taking some wind powered equiptment to an orphanage to help
build a hospital. He is very excited about this...and it scares me to death! He will be gone a month.
July 16, 2004 I went to my doctor for my neck surgery check up today. I've been 'released', the fusion is taking!
Yay! But that is not my most exciting news! I was in a MOVIE!! Me, my daughter and her boyfriend we just a few of the lucky
fans to be asked to be Extras in Universal's production of "Serenity" based on Joss Whedon's tv show Firefly. It will open
on April 22, 2005. Never in a million years would I have dreamed that I could/would be able to do something like this! A year
and a half ago I weighed 239lbs, and was in such pain from my neck and the weight (my feet hurt so bad I rented a wheel chair
at Disneyland). But now, here I am in a shocking blue wig, acting as a 'shopper' in a scene in a major motion picture! If
anyone is interested, here is a little website I put up with my story and pictures! http://saxon1014.tripod.com/ I
feel like the caterpillar coming out of the cocoon...I'm nearly done with my metamorphosis, I just need to finish things up
with the PS and I'll be the person I would have/should have been all along. I'm so very happy! My son will be coming home
from Korea/China next week. I miss him so much. My husband is now the Chief Deputy Coroner of Kings County and th Head
of the Hostage Negotiation Team. He's been really busy. I'd love to do more "Extra" work, it was fun cuz it was part of
a show I love, but I'm sure it would be fun doing any movie! Gotta go...just wanted to check in!
August 4, 2004 I got a job! Yay me! I'm working as an Acquistions Sales Rep. for Olan Mills Photo Studio. I basically
sit out front of the local Kmart and sell prepaid packages to folks. They are really good deals, so it's not hard to do. Most
people come looking for me! I get paid to talk, how cool is that? hehe! Gingi and I will be going up to Martinez to see
Dr. Mariotti on the 24th. I'll post later how that goes. I've been getting really surprised at the response I've gotten
from people who haven't seen me in a few months...some folks don't even recognise me! I haven't lost all that much more, but
I guess things have 'settled' or something, cuz people act like it's really a big deal and really noticeable. My weight has
been pretty constant, but my clothes are fitting differently. I'm hoping to firm up when I start exercising more. I was all
ready to join Curves again, when I ran my toe into the bathroom door! I was sure it was broken, but the doctor says the X-rays
don't show a break or dislocation...but oh man, does it hurt and is it swollen and bruised! As soon as it gets well, I'm gonna
sign up. I should have a pay day by then too, so that will help. I think I'm finally going to send in 'before and after'
pix for this site. I was hoping to do so after an PS I might get, but ZI figure I'll just do it now, I'm pretty stable in
my loss...give or take a pound or two. Hope everyone is happy and heathy. Don't give up. Miracles DO happen!
August 9, 2004 I just realized that I haven't added a new pic of myself in a LONG time! I'm down to 150 lbs. now...guess
I better get on that! I also found a shot I took right before surgery, when I was at my highest pre-revision weight of 239.5lbs.
I don't know if I have any from when I had my first VBG way back when. I got up to 267lbs. But that reckoning, I've lost 117lbs.
from my highest weight! Took me 14 years...from one surgery to revision...but I did it! That's why I tell everyone to NEVER
give up! I'm down 89.5lbs. from this surgery. And couldn't be happier! *****************************************************************************
August 12, 2004
Okay, took pix last nite, weighed in at 148.5 this morning! I can not believe it!
August 25, 2004 I went to see Dr. Mariotti yesterday. We had a 3.5 drive up, which went well. He's a really nice guy,
and I would feel confident having him do any surgery on me. I doubt though, that anything he submits will be covered. All
my stuff seems to fall into the 'cosmetic' side of PS. He is still going to submit (which is more than any other doc around
here would do), and he said he might be able to get my breasts covered for the 'lift', but probably not the implants. Since
I don't have the big 'apron' I did years ago, I doubt any 'body' work, will fly with the insurance either. *sigh* He also
saw my daughter, and he's confident he can do the rest of her breast surgery with no problems. Her's should be covered without
a problem. If so, she'll probably have her surgery right after Halloween. The drive back was slower, the traffic was really
bad for about the first 50 miles, but then it was clear. Now we are just waiting for word from the insurance. I'll post
more when I know more.
Oct. 24, 2004 Well, I got turned down for my PS with Dr. Mariotti, and I think they shot down Gingi's stuff too! I
got a letter from the doctor about mine, but all I got was a bill from them about Gingi's, so I have to call tomorrow. I just
got back from a 2 week cross country trip with my inlaws, and we are in the process of moving, plus my grandma died, and my
other grandpa isn't doing well...it's been a very stressful month so far! (also turned 47 last week, in the middle of all
that stuff!). Hopefully things will get 'normal' soon. The weirdest thing for me is that I'm still losing weight!! I would
NEVER have believed that I could get down this small...I thought I was done last year, and here I am still losing. We ate
out everyday on the trip, and I was trying all kinds of new foods and really eating too much (feeling stuffed and not in a
good way sometimes), but still, I lost about 2 pounds! I still need to get into a routine at the gym, but don't see that happening
till we move closer to it. I need to strengthen my neck, shoulders and arms since my neck surgery anyway. I took some
pictures at the Ren. Faire, and I'll be posting them on my other site as soon as I get them uploaded...I need to update the
tripod site anyway. Hope everyone is doing well, and for those just starting out, keep fighting, dreams DO come true!! *****************************************************************
Feb 26, 2005 Oh my! I can't believe I've gone this long without posting. It's been two years yesterday since my surgery.
The time has literally flown by! In reading my last post, I'm glad to say that I was wrong about the insurance NOT covering
Gingi's surgery...they DID. She had her surgery last month, and is doing great! I really think this will be her last one. I'm
still wishing for surgery for me. But I'm going to wait till after all my inheritance money is settled, THEN, IF I can pay
my house off by the time my husband retires, I'll have my breasts done. I know the legs are bad...but I really want the boobs
done. I also want to get my eyes lasered. My vision is stable, but every year my eyes get more and more sensitive, making
contacts harder and harder to wear. I'm going to check and see what kind of insurance coverage I have at my job at the
Palace to see if anything might be covered. Going to try to do the plastic surgery route with them too. Who knows, they might
cover the breasts. Well, I just wanted to post an update. I feel great, younger and healthier than ever. I work a 40 hour
work week, and am having fun! Life is GREAT!! I hope everyone can find success in their WLS journey. God Bless!
August 30, 2005 Wow, I did it again. Let so much time go by without updating! Shame on me! Let me see, what's
new? I got to see "Serenity", the movie that Gingi and I got to be Extras in! It comes to theaters Sept. 30th. I'm going to
try to go down to LA on the 6th to see an "invitation only" viewing that Universal is giving the fans. Then on the 22nd they
are having the Hollywood Premiere...hopefully we'll have lot's of Browncoats on hand for lot's of shindig fun! On the health
front, I've been having some 'female' problems and possibly kidney stones. I go in for a mini-surgery on Sept. 9th to see
what is going on. Hopefully it will all clear up soon. I'm still working at the Palace. I've been on Swing Shift and it
is the hardest shift...luckily they just switched to 'fixed' schedules, and I got Day Shift, I start that Sept 19th. Yay!
I'll be out of work a week after my surgery, then taking off the weekend of the 25th. So, this should be an easier month work-wise
for me. The kids are all doing well, Jessi passed the Math segment of her High School exam, now she just needs to take
the English part. When she first took the test, she took both parts at once, and missed the math by 30points and the English
by only 3!! So, she should have no problem passing the English when she takes it by itself next time. She did that with the
math and passed last time. Gingi got hired on at the Palace as a Bingo caller, but with the delays getting the new casino
opened, they've yet to put her on the schedule. She and Orie are a couple now, and he joined the Air Force, leaving here Jan.
2nd. She wants to keep busy and save lots of money while he's gone. Jeremy has finished his 2 year commitment to YWAM and
just got hired at Radio Shack in Grover Beach. He might start working at a church in Morro Bay as a Youth Pastor. In January
he wants to start taking classes at Cuesta College. Tom is working 6 days a week, Coroner for 5 of those, working River Patrol
on Saturdays. In November he will get his weekends back! Whew!! Lot's going on. We have the Ren Faire coming up in Oct.
the same weekend that the movie opens to the public. I have to drag as many Rennies to the movie as I can! I'm doing good
with my weight and eating. Staying about 144. Going down to 142 and up as high as 146...love it!! Hope everyone is well,
and can live their dreams...I'm having a blast with mine!! Oh, about plastic surgery for me? I still want my breasts done,
and maybe, IF I end up having to have a hysterectomy, I'm going to see if I can get my breasts done at the same time. I might
also get my eyes lasered at that time. IF I'm out for the 6 to 8 weeks, I may as well do it all then!
November 7, 2005 Well, things sure went crazy after my last update! I had the mini surgery on Sept. 9th, but had problems
with the belly button incision staying closed! I was out of work till the 26th!! I got to go to the Serenity Premiere on the
22nd, still swollen from surgery, and hurting with my horrific kidney stones! But is was AWESOME! We got to first line the
red carpet, then WALK it!! We were also invited to the after party with the stars, after watching the movie with them in the
same theater! Dreams of all kinds can come true once you believe!! I went back to work on Sept. 26th for only one day,
then had my kidney stones 'blasted' on the 27th. I can not believe how utterly painful that was! I was out of work till Oct.
10th!! So, basically, I was out of work for a full month, but had no idea it was going to work that way, so I didn't plan
on getting my eyes lasered. :( I'm still having some female problems, and still feel the little bits of kidney stones passing.
*they said it can take up to 8 weeks for them all to pass!* Ugh!! I'm still not sure if I'm going to have to have a hysterectomy
or not...if I do, I'm checking into having my breasts done. I have a mammogram tomorrow. I'm working day shift at work,
just had my one year anniversary. Gingi finally started calling at BINGO, she's doing great. She and Orie got engaged at Disneyland
on Sept. 23rd. Jeremy starts school in Jan., we got him a motorcycle to make it easier to commute (he usually walks everywhere
at the coast). Jessi took the last part of her HS test, waiting for results, we're sure she passed. Tom is still working
6 days a week! :( One of the gals a work just had RnY gastric bypass...I'm so happy and excited for her. She went to my
doctor and basically had the surgery based on me! I sure hope everything turns out as good for her as it has for me! I dropped
another couple of pounds...don't know why! I weighed 141.5lbs today. Pretty good considering I've been staying bloated from
hormonal/female stuff. I hope everyone is well and living their dreams!
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