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WLS Journey
About Me

Who am I?

I'm Suzi Edmonds...wife and mother of 3.  Grew up in a town only a stone's throw from where I sit today...a farmer's daughter who grew up to be a cop's wife.  My most outstanding achievement?  Having 3 beautiful, talented, Godly children after coming out of a life of witchcraft and the occult. Oh wait, that was not MY doing...it was my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!! 

I started worrying about my weight when I was about 11, started dieting soon after, and using (now illegal) prescription diet pills (speed) at 15.  I remember my mom saying, "if  you want them, YOU have to call the Dr. and see if he will give them to someone your age.".  I did, and he did.  I was 15, 5' 3'' and 150lbs. (mostly tom-boy muscle).  That was the beginning of the end.  Just the fact that the Dr. thought I was 'fat' was enough to start the downward spiral of my life and self esteem.  I have tried every diet out there, spent thousands of dollars, and literally 'dieted my way' to morbid obesity!!  My life is a trail of gains and losses, most of my 'landmarks' are remembered in regards to how much I weighed at the time.  Most of my problems came from a feeling of self loathing, not feeling 'good enough', which, in truth none of us are!  That's right! We will NEVER measure up to the prefection that God has called us to UNLESS we turn to Him to find it!  I found, after meeting my wonderful husband in 1982 that someone DID love me unconditionally...the CREATOR of the Universe!!  How bizarre is that?  The One who created me, LOVED me...enough to DIE for me!!  Now I'm not here to preach to anyone, not gonna try to convert ya either...I am just letting everyone know how my life changed with this information.  At first I didn't really believe it, it was too hard to think that anyone could love me...since I didn't even love me.  But, after seeing it in the eyes of Tom (my hubby of 19 years), I knew that Jesus DID live...and was living His life through His people!  But, even though my heart knew this truth, my mind kept refusing it, the enemy didn't want to 'lose' me...and a battle was fought almost daily in my being.  All I wanted was to be 'normal'...whatever that meant!  I knew that there was something wrong with me...all those years of diets (which I hadn't stopped) had done much damage to my metabolism, muscle tone and general health.  I was prematurely gray headed, and the tom-boy I was was long gone...simple tasks left me winded and my strength was diminished.  I knew I had to do something, and tried more drastic diets, even Medifast, where I went without ANY food for 6 months!!  I lost 88 lbs., felt great! Then, as soon as I started 'introducing' solid foods, gained it all back in 6 months!!  Then I had a really bad car accident, and my physical activities slowed even more, and the weight kept creeping up higher!  When, after 3 kids, in 1990 I hit my top weight of 267lbs.  That's when I got desperate enough to try LiteLife.

Although I did lose weight after my 'stomach stapling', it never was as much as I needed or wanted to lose.  I did,  however get down to a size 16!  THAT in itself is a major accomplishment, since I hadn't seen that size since I was a teen!  I started looking into revision surgery in 2000, since I had been steadily gaining weight over the years.  Read how this current weight loss journey started by following the link to "Chronological Order".

In Chronological Order

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WLS Journey

Me at 24
137 lbs.

This was taken just a month before my 25th birthday.  Hard to believe, but I honestly thought I was still 'fat and ugly'!!  I still have that dress,  a Jr. size 8-9, and it fit my daughter when she was 14!!  I also have a top that I wore on my first movie date with my husband, and it fits my girls 'too tight' (of course the style in the early '80s WAS tight!).  When I look at the picture, I realize more fully why Satan is known as the 'father of lies'...he sure did do a job on me!!

September 1982

Was I ever this young?

Me and My wonderful husband Tom
New costume next year!!