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My Lady's Chamber
Flemish Working Woman's Garb
October 2003
I wish I had started this earlier!  I've been working on a Flemish Workingwoman's outfit for our local Renaissance Faire...and it would have been a wonderful 'diary' if I'd just kept a record of all I've done!  Oh well, better late than are some bits and pieces, pix and prose of my costuming adventures.

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October 18, 2003
I finally took some pictures of my Flemish! Put one up on AmIPeriodOrNot, just hit #1 on the top ten!! woohoo!
September 27, 2003
After months of research and sewing...I decided to keep a 'dress diary'...hehe...I know, kinda late...but I wanted to set this up for future projects.  I'll be adding pix asap!

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